Gifting for Creators

Get Started, It's Free!

Safely receive gifts from your fans without ever revealing your address.

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  • Step 1:
    Create wishlist
  • Step 2:
    Fans buy gifts
  • Step 3:
    OneGift ships gifts
  • Add gifts to your wishlist

    Create a privacy-first wishlist with products from our partner brands or any other store. Share your list with your followers by adding it to your bio and telling your fans about your wishlist.

    Your fans buy gifts

    After sharing your OneGift link with your fans, they can visit your wishlist and purchase gifts. Fans can leave a message & their name during checkout. With our integrations, you can show gifts on-stream or tweet automatically for new gifts.

    Loved by our Creators

    Featured Creators

    Allow your community to send you gifts safely.

    Get Started, It's Free!